
Hypnotherapy is an old, but powerful means of using your subconscious mind to make changes in your life. When you are ready, why not utilize your inherently powerful subconscious mind to effect those changes?

Hypnosis is a quick and effective means of achieving lasting changes in your thoughts and behaviors. Change habits that no longer serve you!  Build the new habits, the new lifestyle you desire! Take control of your life!

Specialties & General Issues

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Anxiety & Stress
Most of us consider anxiety and stress to be a normal part of life today, as it is embedded in our built-in fight or flight response. Each of us has our own tolerance level and our own unique way of dealing with it. However, long-term anxiety and stress have been linked to many physical issues. Anxiety and stress can deeply impact your quality of life. Hypnotherapy provides tools to assist you in coping with and relieving anxiety and stress, allowing you to enjoy your life.

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Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, gives you the power to change how you feel. It is a tool that you can learn quickly and easily. Our emotions and memories are stored in our body and our energy field. The negative emotions / memories disrupt our body’s natural energy flow. Using EFT on specific points on your body, while focusing on the issue you wish to heal, will directly interface with your body’s energy system, allowing it to release the emotional aspect of the memory and thus balance the body’s energy system. Used in conjunction with hypnotherapy, change can be effected quickly with lasting results.

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What does that inner voice say? When you were a very young child, you probably had lots of self confidence. You tried to walk, fell and tried again with no negative judgement about your abilities. Through interaction with family, at school and in social situations, your self confidence may have been slowly undermined. Your inner voice repeats negative messages, further eroding your self confidence. Hypnotherapy can help you rebuild your self confidence and self esteem by helping you connect with that inner voice.

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Past Life Regression
There are many reasons clients might be interested in Past Life Regression. Some feel that physical, emotional or relationship issues they are dealing with in this life have been with them for many lives. Others feel an attraction to a certain place or culture and are curious about a possible past life connection.  Another reason is simple curiosity about what will come up.  Whatever the reason, hypnosis allows your body and mind to relax deeply.  Through cooperative interaction, I gently guide via questions, assisting my clients to uncover information that is relative to them.

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Inner Child / Shadow Self / Release of Unwanted Beliefs
There’s a lot of talk these days about clearing. Clearing what no longer serves us. Clearing stuck patterns. Clearing old stories. Clearing trauma. One thing’s for sure, when we’re stuck in patterns for most of our life, it’s incredibly powerful to invite in a new level of awareness to help us see what we’re struggling to see clearly. Especially if the goal is to find freedom from patterns that aren’t serving us (whether philosophical, religious, and/or personal). Most often, this means transforming core beliefs about ourselves that just aren’t true. Like, “I’m not worthy of love” or “I was born a bad person” or “I need to work really hard to get what I want” or “Everyone else seems to have it figured out but I’m always behind.” We can, in fact, change our lives by changing our belief about ourselves and the world around us. This is why shadow work or inner child work, painful as it may be, is critical. We need to face, and even befriend, those parts that we’d prefer to never talk about, never expose, and never have anyone see, in order to be free. Hypnotherapy can help you listen to your inner child and transform the pain of your shadow into freedom, and joy.

General Issues
Hypnosis is very powerful.  Hypnotherapy can assist you in achieving goals and making changes in virtually any area of your life! Your imagination is the only limit on how you can utilize hypnosis. Some of the other issues for which clients come see me include guilt, forgiveness, attitude, changing habits, exercise, fears, relationship issues, and creativity block.

Book a free 15-minute phone consultation to ask questions and explore whether my hypnotherapy services might be right for you.